
Strategic Energy Planning

Strategic Energy Planning (SEP) is the process of developing a strategy that incorporates the energy audit, energy conservation measures, supply strategies, financing, and life cycle analysis, to reduce costs, improve comfort levels, increase reliability, and acceleration the accomplishment of your environmental goals. The SEP deals with all aspects of your energy portfolio including deferred maintenance, future development and budgeting for long term growth.

Sustainability Planning

Sustainability Planning goes further than an SEP. The SEPCOR Sustainability Plan covers how your organization plans and implements strategies that cover topics such as:

  • Energy supply and demand
  • Water supply and usage
  • Air quality
  • Food supply
  • Waste ‐ Recycling
  • Transportation
  • Employment

SEPCOR conducts a workshop to develop a high level view of sustainability planning, which sets goals and objectives, and receives buy-in from the senior level executives. A steering group will then engage stakeholders and programs can be identified. The SEPCOR plan will then prioritize programs and establish time frames that can meet the objectives of the organization.


Benchmarking is the process of collecting energy data consumption of your facility/facilities, and comparing it against similar operations. Benchmarking also includes Best Practices and demonstrates how the experiences of others can benefit your organization. SEPCOR has experience in benchmarking over 30 million sq/ft of office space which will help you market your facility to tenants and to improve the operations of your building.

Energy Data Management

SEPCOR works with a utility data management company, Energy Cap Inc., to analyze your energy usage, verify you utility invoices, provide metrics, manage you energy budget and forecast energy expenses for your organization. Capturing the energy data and providing visibility to this data, has proven to reduce energy expenses by 5% with no change to operations or any capital improvements. SEPCOR also employs this software to enhance the ability to conduct measurement and verification of ECM implementation.


SEPCOR can help you budget for future energy expenses buy understanding the long term growth plans of your organization and then applying trend analysis to incorporate supply and demand options and strategies, energy technology trends, and regulatory issues to plan for future costs. After identifying the level of risk an organization is comfortable with, SEPCOR will assist in developing a budget forecast that will mitigate risk and execute and acceptable strategy for budget control.


Many times, the hardest component of a project is to line up the financing. There are many options to financing and SEPCOR can help you identify and chose which one (s) fit your situation. If internal resources are not available, it is important to find the right financing partner, and an acceptable financing structure, to make the project successful. With the number of new financial structures being offered, including “Green Banks”, SEPCOR can provide guidance on maximizing leverage while reducing capital outlays.